
Sponsorship is vitally important for the viability of our Club.  We gratefully acknowledge and thank all of those individuals and businesses who support our club encourage all our members to support those who support us.  If you would like to sponsor the clubs please email  adminkgc@dcsi.com.au 

Men's & Women's Tee Marker

Red Flag Sponsor: Excelsior Concreting

White Flag Sponsoer: Chris & Lee Clements

Blue Flag Sponsor: Ark Trading

NTP Sponsor: Burra Brewery

Hole 1

NTP Sponsor: Burra Barber

Hole 7

NTP Sponsor: top Pub

Hole 10

NTP Sponsor: Middle Pub

Hole 13

Hole 1

Hole 2

Hole 3

Hole 4

Hole 5

Hole 6

Hole 7

Hole 8

Hole 9

Hole 10

Hole 11 Men's

Hole 11 Wns

Hole 12

Hole 13

Hole 14

Hole 15

Hole 16

Hole 17

Hole 18 Womens

Hole 18

Hole 18 Green

Hole 18 Green